Fitur held at Féria de Madrid in Spain is an opener of every tourism industry year and global tourism specialists to converge and share experiences.

Sierra Leone’s presence at this Fitur Expo 2020 from 22-26 of January is to promote and market the tourism and investment potentials of the country to over 10,000 companies and over 142,000 trade visitors from over 165 countries.

The Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs is leading the team at Fitur 2020 joined by the Director of Tourism in the Ministry, Chairman and General Manager of National Tourist Board and the Administrative Manager of Monuments and Relics Commission.

The team is engaged in various meetings with sector players around the world including government officials, trade visitors and the public showing diverse interest on Sierra Leone as a destination.

This Fitur 2020 is a unique forum for presenting our brand Sierra Leone and immerse through learning emerging sector trends and tapping new opportunities that translate to sustainable development.

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